Concerns that the "one shot" filming technique would take me out of the film soon evaporated as I became increasingly engrossed in the story of these two young soldiers sent on a very simple mission to get a letter to the front line. Amazing set pieces, heartfelt performances and just great story telling.⠀
John Wick Chapter 3 Parabellum Tribute Poster
To celebrate the release of John Wick 3 here's my tribute piece of Keanu Reeves as “Baba Yaga”, the boogeyman and his ever loyal Pit Bull.
Christopher Nolan Minimal Movie Poster Designs
Taking inspiration from classic grid design, originating from Switzerland, I have created minimal poster designs based on three movies from Christopher Nolan’s amazing filmography.
Although he already used non-linear story telling in his debut, Following, here Nolan uses a backwards plot structure to be the main hook of the movie.
I have used a spiral to represent not only the backwards timeline but also the degrading state of Leonard's (Guy Pearce) mind. The crosses symbolise the various events that Leonard deems important enough to tattoo all over his body.
Arguably the most emotional of Nolans films. The scene were Coop watches the videos from his children after escaping Miller's ocean planet is devastating.
This design suggests how, during space travel Coop and Brand's journey causes time to be inconsistent and undulate as they travel trough wormholes and near black holes.
My favourite of Nolans movies so far, or at least the most "re-watchable". First class action set pieces and mind-bending, intricately plotted story about that desperate need to just get "home".
Did the spinning top wobble or not?
Here I have used ever decreasing squares to symbolise Cobb and his team’s journey into the dreams within dreams. Each square is made up of hundreds of rectangles, showing the cityscape folding in on itself.
Mandy Movie Poster
Had a go at the Posterspy Creative Brief entry for Panos Cosmatos “Mandy”. Starring Nicolas Cage, Andrea Riseborough and Linus Roache this movie looks completely crazy!