Client: Personal Project
Sir Ian McKellen - Portrait
Client: Personal Project
Jack Nicholson Portrait from The Shining
Client: Personal Project
“Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.” - Grand Moff Tarkin played by Peter Cushing in Star Wars
Client: Personal Project
Editorial Portrait of Comedian, Author, Broadcaster and National Treasure, Stephen Fry
Client: SG_Posters
I’m very excited to finally be able to show my fun contribution to ON THE SHEET, put together by Eileen Steinbach.
Head over to to see over 60 other artists’ work from all over the world, each one of us tasks with creating a one sheet character poster of ourselves.
Client: Good On Paper
Portrait of German actress, Nastassja Kinski for The Paris, Texas Poster created to be part of Good On Paper Exhibition
Client: Personal Project
For someone who “never, ever, ever intended to act,” Tilda Swinton is one of the best, most versatile actors working.
Just some of her diverse films include: ⠀
Michael Clayton, Orlando, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Okja, We Need to Talk About Kevin and Doctor Strange⠀
What’s your favourite Tilda Swinton performance?⠀
Created entirely in @procreate⠀
Client: Personal Project
Chadwick Boseman - Portrait
Client: Personal Project
Sir Ian McKellen - Portrait
Client: Personal. Project
Here is a quick character poster for Florence Pugh as Princess Irulan in the upcoming Dune Part Two.
Client: Personal Project
Client: Personal Project
Client: Personal Project
Christopher Walken as Captain Koons from Pulp Fiction
Client: Personal Project
Client: Good On Paper Magazine
I had the great pleasure of meeting up with the incredibly talented director Marc Jobst for this month’s @GoodOnPaper_ cover illustration. Marc was incredibly generous with his time allowing me to awkwardly take ref shots whilst geeking out on all things filmmaking.
Client: Laz Marquez
I’m very excited to share my #StarTrekArt for @lazmarquez and @batlethbabe’s awesome #WomenMakeTrek project.
I decided to paint Kirsty Alley as Saavik from my favourite Trek film “Star Trek II: Wrath Of Khan”
Using two symbols synonymous with Shigeru Miyamoto, the game designer most famous for creating Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda. Here I have used mario and the Super Mario Bros mushroom to add texture to the shading.
Client: Good On Paper Magazine
Good On Paper Issue 44 — Laurie Lee
Portrait of Laurie Lee, the author of “Cider with Rosie” for the Cover of Good On Paper Magazine. The feature article was about “Laurie Lee: The Lost Recordings”, a fantastic documentary that is part of this years Stroud Book Festival.
Client: Personal Project
Keanu Reeves - Portrait
Robert De Niro - Portraits Here is a couple of quick sketches inspired by my favourite new book “The Art of Bob Peak”
Client: Personal Project
Joaquin Phoenix as The Joker - Portrait
Client: Good On Paper Magazine / Stroud Shakespeare Festival
Stroud Bard Fest
This was an editorial piece for a Good On Paper article featuring Stroud Shakespear Festival. The festival runners were so pleased with the artwork they sold prints at the event.
Client: Personal Project
Star Portraits - Heroes of the 1970's
Pencil sketches of some of my movie heroes including Martin Scorsese, Robert DeNiro and Steven Spielberg.
Client: Personal Project
Robin Williams -- “Smile my boy, it’s sunrise.”
This was the last line of dialogue Robin Williams filmed before he died. Seems kinda fitting.